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TrumpCare Means the End of Medicaid as We Know It

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The next two weeks are critical for stopping TrumpCare: the week of July 3 when Senators are back home in their states and the week of July 10 when Senators are back in DC and ready to vote. Almost every Senator is hiding from their constituents and not holding a town hall this recess, so you’ll have to find them elsewhere, but most likely we will have to settle with calling Rob Portman at (513) 684-3265, and leave a message.

Hi, my name is [NAME], calling from [ZIP]

I know the vote got delayed because the votes weren’t there in the Senate and that Mitch McConnell has a $200 billion goodie jar he’s using to bribe Senators. But this bill is terrible no matter what: it destroys Medicaid as we know it, it takes away treatment for opioid addiction, it puts people with pre-existing conditions at risk, it raises costs for patients, and it shifts huge costs to already-strapped state budgets.

Are you going to let McConnell bribe you with some token change to the bill or will you stand up for your constituents? Will you commit to me, your constituent, to vote against this unfixable bill?”

Post below on how the call went and who answered your phone call.

Please copy/paste this to your friends and other groups.