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Time for some healing

The need for taking care of yourself in the midst of a slow-motion disaster like the Trump Administration is obvious.  Perpetual outrage is exhausting!  We are part of a marathon of action; one which could end with resignation or impeachment, but could also drag into another election battle and <shudder> second term.

If we don’t do some self care, we will be unable to take on new battles.  In other words, Trump will have won.

Today, we aren’t asking you to make any calls.  Instead, read this short piece about one man’s response to witnessing another slow-motion disaster: the rise of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler.

This Leonard Woolf passage on Hitler’s rise is a reminder of the restorative powers of art

It will only take a few minutes to read, but the lesson is a powerful reminder that what we choose today has the potential to outlive both Trump’s administration and our own time on this Earth.

After you read, ask yourself, “What choices am I making today to leave a legacy of peace? How do my actions reflect my values?  What small acts can I incorporate into my life to reflect inclusivity, care for the earth, or the importance of science and reason?”