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Stand with Planned Parenthood against unethical staff at HHS

In less than a year, Scott Lloyd, a Trump appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services, has personally tried to block undocumented immigrant women from having abortions, including a 17-year-old who was raped. He’s been sued numerous times — each time, the court has ruled against him.

But just this week, we learned that Lloyd considered having a woman injected with drugs against her will to stop an abortion — an experimental procedure they’re calling “abortion reversal.” It’s a gross violation of human rights to inject someone with drugs they don’t want to try to stop them from having an abortion they decided to have. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists rightfully called it “unethical.”

We can’t allow extreme officials in Trump’s government to continue violating people’s rights and the rule of law. Today we call on Scott Lloyd’s new boss, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, to fire him immediately.

The claim that a medication abortion can be reversed is not in line with any accepted standard medical process whatsoever, and women’s health experts such as the highly respected American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have called it experimental and unethical.

We’ve long known that the administration would pursue an anti-women, anti-abortion, anti-reproductive rights agenda, but this is simply a bridge too far.

Being in power doesn’t mean you’re above the law. You can’t deny people their legal rights, and you shouldn’t violate their human rights by making life-changing choices about their health care against their will.


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